Saturday, April 19, 2008

Have You Seen My Daddy???

My daddy’s name is Mitchell Jay Stein, and he has at one point in time had residency in Pennsylvania, Indiana, New York Tri-State area, Hawaii, Arizona, Florida, and California. He’s can be found in cities of other states at some point or another such as Chicago, Denver, Las Vegas, etc.

My daddy has run away from me and I want to find him even if he doesn’t want a father-daughter relationship. My dad is a white male, his date of birth is August 17, 1958, he’s a brunette with gray, he is about six feet tall, and he has dimples and a cleft chin. He wears glasses for reading. He had a goatee. He may or may not still wear blue jeans and cowboy boots almost every day. If it’s close to nighttime, he may get a little tipsy and even sway when walking, but he claims he’s not an alcoholic. If he’s had quite a bit to drink, he will start talking about tossing another man (too much testosterone?) like a teenage boy horsing around. He’s a bragger of the athletes and celebrities he knows. One of his close friends has walked the Oscar’s runway in the 90s and is over ten years older than my dad and within the last year his private investigator filed a lawsuit against him that was later settled out of court. My dad will be riding in a top-of-the-line luxury car should you see him driving on the road. My dad will be flying in a private jet if you see him at an aviation location. You will not find my dad staying at a two or three star hotel or having dinner at a neighbor fast-food location. He may even be spotted in a limo from time-to-time including hotel limos. My dad will have a woman half his age somewhere even if he walking hand and hand with a woman closer to his age. My dad has the 50 is the new 30 mentality. My dad brings up women he’s dated or had an encounter with such as celebrities, hotel staff, random women, girlfriend employees, etc. Daddy has kids from marriages, and he says he has a few others. My dad is as bad as a gossiping woman, so he talks other people’s business. My dad loves money, so he will be involved in some level of corporate America that has stock options. My dad is a democrat and donates to the Democratic Party. My dad also has legal woes from time to time that will keep him name in courtrooms regarding contracts and a medical company. He currently has two lawsuits that show up on Google. My daddy is also a Los Angeles, CA attorney. I know, he sounds like a real winner. Anyhow, he’s still my daddy.

I’m looking for daddy, because daddy doesn’t take care of me in any form and after having people harass mommy’s employment and our former property manager, daddy has to start providing his share of my costs. I haven’t received any birthday cards from daddy. There’s no share of medical insurance that daddy has paid for. Daddy doesn’t buy any clothes for me. Daddy doesn’t make sure I go to a nice daycare. Daddy doesn’t take me out for any father-daughter quality time. Daddy has decided not to claim me as he child, but he has also somehow not seemed to want to take a paternity test to prove his statement true. My mommy and me are still available to go take that test just in case my round face, cleft chin, and dimples isn’t enough to change your mind. Even though a few people say they have seen daddy and daddy knows that he haven’t supported me, he hasn’t made an effort to start making sure I have the basic necessities of a kid. I guess, maybe, daddy needs the money to pay for some more of his kids and to keep putting money in companies and other people’s names to keep the IRS away.

Anyhow, if you’ve seen daddy or know where daddy will be on any given day, call DCSS regarding case number 695.485.742 at 619-236-7600. Daddy’s case number with San Diego Superior Court is DF201036.

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